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미주한국국악경연대회 펀드레이징 행사

flykhsun1 08/02/2018 조회수: 211

Official Event Code: Daroo 1867                                                                       

Date: July 10, 2018

Host: Daroo Korean Performing Arts & Culture

Title: 2018 Korean Traditional Music & Arts Gala Formal Request for Collaboration



1. We wish your organization goes well and appreciate your warm help and we wish to facilitate the advancement of all Korean traditional music and arts organizations here in the United States.


2. Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture will host its fundraising gala to promote the legacy of Korean folk music and arts by providing an opportunity for more students of the arts to show their talents to the wider community in the U.S.

  1) Event Title : 2018 Daroo Korean Traditional Music & Arts Gala

2) Date : Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 6pm to 9pm

3) Location : The One Banquet Hall, 3680 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010

4) Event include : Congratulatory Remarks, Welcome Remarks Recognition of VIP and Sponsors, Introduction of Board of Directors, Volunteer Service Award, Dinner, Performances, Raffle & Action etc.

  5) Contact: (323)326-7276, lapansori@gmail.com




                                                                                                  July 10, 2018



                                                                                 Chairman of the Korean Traditional Music & Arts

                                                                              Competition Organizing Committee   Susan Choi


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